Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Residual Income Opportunities - My Story!

Are you looking for ways to make money, joining in a residual income opportunities is one of the best way to do it. Reason why being so is because when creating a residual recurring income, you won't have to worry about trying to make new sales everyday just to make money. You will always have a incomes coming in every month even if you don't do anything once you build it.
There are tons of residual income oppotunities out there and you just have to look for the one that work best for you.

Instead of trying to teach you what to do, I'm just going to tell you how I first got started out with a residual income opportunities. And how I started making money with it. It is always best to see what people did to start making money and follow their example or use their example as a guilde to success.

When I first started out as a entrepreneur, I joined in a home based business that require me to sell product, but instead of doing it online we actually had to do direct marketing, that was the company's way of marketing and the only way of marketing for them. So I didn't get started online, I pretty much actually started as a sales rep, because thats pretty much what we did. Even thought it was still consider as a home based business because you where your own boss. I was actually involve in the company for about 2 years. But after going out selling everyday after day I just got tire of doing it. I knew that it was something I just can't do forever, I mean going out there everyday even if it rain or its so hot. But the only problem is that if I didn't go out to make a sale then I wasn't going to make any money. We wasn't building a longterm residual income, we were actually just selling products everyday for a income. So if I was to quit in 10yrs after doing all that work, I still would not have a income coming in since we were not building a recurring residual income. Don't get me wrong I was making good money, I'll said average around $800-900 a week and about $3,200-$4,000 a month. But at that time I was only 19 years old and $800-$900 a week was alot to me. But after 2 years of doing it I just know that I need to find something new.

That is when I started doing some research online to see if there was a residual income opportunities that I can join and make money right away and in the long run. Thats when I first came across my first residual income opportunities online. It was actually a affiliate that I join in, it was $79.99 to join in. I did join of course and FAILED! I didn't fail because the business was bad but it was me. I mean I didn't know anything about online marketing or getting traffic to my site at that time. YES I did do some PPC advertising "Pay Per Click" and lost over $500, don't get me wrong I did make a couple sales but I actually still did lost more money. Because I was only getting $30 per sale, I was reselling the product I bought to other people. The business didn't have any training on getting traffic or any marketing tips for me so I had to learn it all on my own. And of course eventually got lazy and unmotivated and stop doing it, I QUIT. So I was doing my online business for about 6 months. This was the worst time of all because since I started doing online business I quited my other direct marketing home business and was all focusing online. And for the home based direct marketing business once you quit they didn't let you back in, they consider that it would neg out other marketers if you came back. So I had no money coming in, luckly at that time I was still living with my parents, I was 22 years old at that time. Joined in the home based direct marketing business when I was 19. But as I mention I was still living with my parents and my mom was the coolest mom ever she always supported me to go after my dreams, so I wasn't homeless or struggling.

I had to go get a job "factory job" for the first time since I had no esperience in anything and I need a full time job, became a machine operator for about 2 years and thats the best thing that I ever did because since working there I remember why I wanted to be success in a residual income opportunities. Because I hate waking up early every morning to go to work 1st shift and I hate only having two 20min breaks a day working 8 hrs. Most importantly I hate not being able to take time off when I wanted to and going to work making another person richer by working harder. Thats when I started again to look for residual income opportunities, I was about 24 years old at this time. I started looking for opportunities that would actually provide training and support. I found a couple but the only thing with it, is that I didn't like the service or product that they were selling and to me personally, if I didn't like the product or belief in the product, I just don't have the motivation to promote it. Took me couple weeks but I finally found one that I liked. It was actually a forced matrix mlm opportunity that I found, the pay plan was good and the team work environment was the best. It is actually a webhosting company that provide webhosting, domain, and auto responder, i'm sure everyone seem company like this before, but I liked it because of the support and help. I joined it for about 6 months and was making some money not alot but enough to pay for the service and get a few hundred bucks back every month. I liked it because I was using the service and even if I wasn't making any money from it I was still going to pay for the service anyway. Since I do needed it to really be a successful online marketer.

This is also when I actually started seeing results in the residaul income opportunities I was involve in. I just didn't limited myself to the webhosting company but I also started joining in affiliate program. Also I started promoting products and item in different niche. I started off by learning how to get traffics and market online just by looking for free information I can get and also buying books on it. But I still have to said if you want to learn something or doesn't know about something and want to learn more about it, just look it up on Google and Youtube because it has all the information you need. "Or like I use to said to my friends you want to learn something just ASK MASTER GOOGLE and MASTER YOUTUBE because they know everything" plus its also free. I actually started promoting again with PPC and other paid traffic media. This is the point where a residual income opportunities was actually something I was doing. I wasn't making millions even today I still don't make that much or thousands of dollars a day. I'm not going to lie to you and said I make that much cause I don't, I only make a few hundreds a week or sometime a day. I do make more then at my old factory job not alot more but you can said 2x more. I actually stop working there now and just focus at home. One of my biggest success in getting traffics and marketing was actually doing something that I was already good at doing, since I did do it for 2 years. And that is word of mouth, I just go out and talk to people its the most effective ways of getting really really targeted traffic and it also build trust. Plus cheapest way as well. I know I didn't go into full detail because if I did it would take you hours just reading it. But that pretty how I got started to get to where I am now... I know everyone do not want to promote webhosting as I did and not everyone is into niche marketing. So I decided to put this residual income opportunities here below instead, since everyone is already doing it everyday and uses it everyday. The opportunity i'm talking about is saving you and people you know money on gas and groceries every month. Check it out here is the link http://www.getpaidtosave.info/ everything will be shown on that page exactly how you are going to make money and save money at the same time. This is one of the easiest and best residual income opportunities that I actually found.

Well I hope reading my story here helps you out even if its just a little...